Mystery Blogger Award | Book Tag


What is the Mystery Blogger Award?

Created by Maggie @ okoto enigmas blog
“The Mystery Blogger Award is an award for amazing bloggers with ingenious posts. Their blog not only captivates; it inspires and motivates. They are one of the best out there, and they deserve every recognition they get. This award is also for bloggers who find fun and inspiration in blogging; and they do it with so much love and passion.”

The Rules:
1. Put the award logo on your blog.
2. List the rules.
3. Thank whoever nominated you and include a link to their blog.
4. Mention the creator of the award and provide a link to their blog as well.
5. Tell your readers three things about yourself.
6. Nominate 10-20 people.
7. Notify your nominees.
8. Ask your nominees any five questions of your choice, specifying one weird/funny question.
9. Share a link to your best post(s).

Thank you to Rachael @ Beach Bookworm who tagged me in this fun tag! I really appreciate it and it’s been a while since I’ve actually done a tag so I figured why not? Definitely head over to Rachael’s blog, I absolutely love it and highly recommend it to all. Thank you again, Rachael!

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  1. I am dog obsessed. I am truly not kidding. Similar to other twenty-year-olds I am obsessed with the fluffy creates and will squeal when one is in the radius. I did it while my best friend was driving once and he almost drove off the road in fear…oops?
  2. I love to bake and cook. My mum and I stumbled across the Food Network about four years ago and have been obsessed since. I typically try to bake once a week. Though, I also love cleaning. I guess I’m a bit of a housewife without the whole partner in my life (thank God).
  3. I wrote fanfiction when I was 16! I was actually really popular on the site Wattpad with my 5 Seconds of Summer Ashton Irwin fanfic. This extended to me writing 5SOS imagines in a facebook group that some of my friends created and, oh my gosh, so embarassing. The group still floats around because I never deleted it before leaving and the Wattpad fanfics were deleted – though I kind of wish I kept them to read and cringe at myself.

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1. If you had a million dollars, what would you spend it on?

I know people will be like, oh, I would buy a library or something, which is perfectly fine. However, I would buy homes and allow underprivileged families or individuals to live there free of rent (or at a very low cost) to help give them more opportunities and the ability to live life without the burden of bills. I would also by my mother a home and my sister, and probably adopt all the animals in the pounds near me.

2. What hyped book, do you hate/dislike?

Oh boy, this one is a fun one. If you know me or have even followed this blog for a while you’d know that there are three big ones that fall in this category – Caraval by Stephanie Garber, All The Bright Places by Jennifer Niven, and Zenith by Lindsay Cummings and Sasha Alsberg.

3. What is your worst and best trait?

My worst quality is the fact that I am able to cut someone from my life very easy. As soon as someone starts to do something that I don’t like I am able to element them from my life. I guess it’s a good thing for me, but I’ve been told it’s frightening. My best trait is definitely my loyalty and being unafraid to share the truth.

4. What is the most interesting thing you’ve read this week?

For my research project at university, I am doing the Me Too campaign. I am analysing how the media has reported the campaign and what news outlets have been positive about this campaign. I’ve been reading a lot of news articles and a lot of journals on the topic, so I must say that the whole topic is an interesting one!

5. If you were arrested with no explanation, what would your friends and family assume you had done?

For my friends 18th birthday almost three years ago I almost got arrested, so maybe my family and friends wouldn’t be too shocked. However, I think they would assume it was something along the lines of mistaken identity after they finished laughed. I am the biggest goody two shoes so they would definitely find it amusing.

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I have two posts that have done really well on my blog. One of them surprises me and the other doesn’t, they’re both reviews though. These posts have both gained over 120+ views and I am still a little shocked by it.

The first is Zenith by Sasha Alsberg and Lindsay Cummings, I said earlier in this review that I hate it so this can’t be too much of a shock honestly. This review typically gets at least one view a day despite the fact I posted it five months ago. I always laugh when I see it in my stats.

The other is Final Girls by Riley Sagar. This review was written before I even had somewhat of the format I have today for my reviews, so I am shocked by how well it did. Including the fact that this book never has done well if I go by my Goodreads feed. None of my friends ever really read it. i wonder if it’s because of my review. Oops?

Have you read either of these books? Have you read the reviews? What did you think, do you disagree with me?

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  1. If you could have five minutes alone with anyone in the world who would be it? Explain why? This may be to reconcile something or simply scream at them.
  2. What genre of book do you typically read? Whats your favourite book in that genre?
  3. What is your favourite flower?
  4. Have you got any tattoos? If not, do you want any? (I’m debating getting a tattoo, so I’m kind of being a sticky beak!)
  5. Tell me the first thing that comes to your mind when you hear the word Australia!

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Sol @ The Bookish King

Destiny @ Howling Libraries 

Aoife @ Pretty Purple Poka Dots

Merv @ Mervreads

Abbie @ abbiereadsbooks

Pauline @ Fireheart Reads

Jill @ Jill’s Book Blog

Chloe @ Chloe’s World

Flavia @ Flavia the Bibliophile

Alana @ The Bookish Chick

Lacy @ A Ravenclaw Library

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Happy reading everyone!

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9 thoughts on “Mystery Blogger Award | Book Tag

  1. Hello, thanks for the tag. I’ve done this before you can follow the link below. And i totally understand our love for fluffy things! I would also like to emphasize that cutting someone from your life is not that bad. It’s an act of self love which i do from time to time. Toxicity is not something we should embrace. Maybe they claim that it is not a good habit since that person is a human too and that we may need them at some point, but it does not mean that we should allow ourselves to be uncomfortable. Pushing ourselves to other people or letting those people in may just cause future troubles. I’m saying a lot lol. Anyway, thanks for including me.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Thank you for the tag! ❤ This is such funny timing because I actually had this award scheduled to go up on my blog tomorrow, so it's perfect because I can just add yours to my list now! I loved reading your answers – especially Caraval and All the Bright Places. *gags forever*

    Liked by 1 person

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