The Ultimate Book Tag | Book Tag

Another book tag folks! I am trying to schedule as many blog posts as I can because September I had work experience and October I am graduating from university (yay!). Thank you so much Tracy @ Truffle Reads for tagging me in the ultimate book tag.

I can’t find the original tag to ping back to, but if you have the link let me know! Let’s just jump into this though.




Do You Get Sick While Reading in the Car?

I don’t. I can barely look at my phone when something is moving around me. I have recently discovered audiobooks though and oh man, I am in love. I can read full books while sitting on my ass and not feeling sick. It is a dream come true.


Which Author’s Writing is Completely Unique to You and Why?

Talia Hibbert. It’s not that her books are groundbreaking but the way she writes romance is so unique to me. It is so easy to read and I’m pretty sure I’ve read all of her books in one sitting. I can’t recommend her books enough.


Harry Potter Series or Twilight? Give 3 points Why.

I’m ready to be crucified when I say Twilight by Stephanie Myer.

  1. Twilight is what made me read young adult. I didn’t read Harry Potter until I was 18. I read Twilight when I was 11.
  2. The series was cheesy but it invited me into the world of fantasy.
  3. I’m pretty sure Stephanie Myer is less problematic than JK Rowling honestly.


Do You Carry a Book Bag? If So, What’s in it (besides books)?

I don’t carry a book bag. If I’m going out though I typically just take my Kindle in my handbag.


Do You Smell your Books?

Nope. It makes me sneeze.


Books With or Without Little Illustrations?

I love little illustrations! Especially under the chapter title. It is so damn fun and I feel like they add a little extra something to the chapter.


Do You have any Funny Stories Involving Books from Your Childhood?

My stories involving books are sadder than funny honestly. I wasn’t allowed to read at one stage so I was very quiet about my love for books.


What is the Thinnest Book on Your Shelf?

I think it is A Monster Calls by Patrick Ness. It is a super short book, around 100 pages I’m sure.


What is the Thickest Book on Your Shelf?

I think it’s Final Empire by Brandon Sanderson? I can’t say exactly but that one looks like it’s the thickest. If not, it’s definitely some Sarah J Maas book.


Do You Write as Well as Read? Do You See Yourself as an Author in the Future?

I used to write a lot. However, while studying at university I have found it incredibly hard to find time and inspiration. I have switched my reading style so many times in the past three years of university so I don’t even know what I would write honestly.


When Did You Get into Reading?

I started reading from the moment I was able to. It was the year I turned 5 and I learnt how to read in my first year of primary school. My mum says that after I learnt how to read I told her ‘I’m done now. I don’t have to go back, right? Reading is all I need.’ My mum was always reading in my youth so I enjoyed quiet time with her where we just sat and read our own books.


What is Your Favourite Classic Book?

Fun fact, I have never read a classic. I have two classics on my shelf that I received as a gift but I have never even thought of picking them up.


In School, What was Your Best Subject?

In early high school, my best subject was maths. I was amazing with numbers. However, in my senior years of high school, I had the worst math teacher who made me fall out of love with the subject and that made my skill go down. My best subject ended up being English!


If You Were Given a Book as a Present that You had Read Before and Hated, What Would You Do?

I would try and find a friend who would like it or donate it! If it was All The Bright Places by Jennifer Niven I would burn it.


What is a Lesser Known Series that You Know of That is Similar to Harry Potter or The Hunger Games?

The Abyss Surrounds Us by Emily Skrutskie (review)! This series features a f/f couple and some anti-hero themes which I adore. It is only a two-book series but I really feel like no one has read it, despite the fact it deserves hype.


What is Your Favourite Word?

Probably Thor. It sounds dumb, but it is my dog’s name so I absolutely love the word since it is my favourite things name.


Are you a Nerd, Dork or Dweeb?

What are even the definitions of these words? This seems like a bit of a ridiculous question, honestly. I guess I’m a nerd. I don’t play video games which typically fall under the other definitions, right?


Vampires or Fairies? Why?

I prefer vampires. Once again because Twilight is what brought me into YA. I feel like there is so much you can do with vampires too. They really need to be brought back into the genre. I actually started to write a vampire story but it fell apart with university.


Shapeshifters or Angels?

Can I say half-angels? I am really just referencing The Shadowhunters Chronicles. I don’t like either angels or shapeshifters honestly. I find them quite boring.


Spirits or Werewolves?

I don’t mind either. Spirits can be interesting, especially in The Diviners series. It would also be fun in the horror genre. Can anyone recommend any? Werewolves are also quite fun. They’re like big dogs and I typically love the mannerisms they have.


Zombies or Vampires?

Vampires again. I don’t like zombies. I honestly think it’s a ridiculous trend, honestly. I hate the whole skin hanging off the body and bad graphics that typically come from zombie films.


Full on Romance Books or Action-Packed With a Few Love Scenes Mixed in?

Depends on my mood! I am a major mood reader so I am not about to pick one and shit on the other.

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I don’t have time currently to tag anyone, but if you’re reading this I tag you. Make sure to ping back to this post if you do this book tag!

10 thoughts on “The Ultimate Book Tag | Book Tag

  1. YAS – I am not alone in my nostalgia, unpopular opinions and love for Twilight. 😉 Jokes aside I have a very similar experience with Twilight. I was always a reader by Twilight sparked my over-the-top obsession with YA. I kind of grew up with those books; I re-read all through High School and Edward was my very first book boyfriend (and as they say – you never forget your first). It’s such a shame that the series gets so much hate. It’s flawed and problematic but it made avid readers and bloggers out of most of us.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Edward was my first book boyfriend too – he also kicked off my love for fantasy books despite the fact he is kind of creepy. So true though, people seem to credit this series with getting them into reading and then slander it. I understand not enjoying it anymore, but it is also 2018 it is no longer cool to hate Twilight just “becasue”, so it is a bit tiresome!

      Liked by 1 person

      • Definetley creepy – looking back now that whole watch-you-sleep-thing was a total red flag but hey, we were all angsty romantics back then so I we can cut ourselves the slack. And Jacob wasn’t any better haha! At the end of the day they are fluffy supernatural fantasies. When you take them for what they are they are still enjoyable. I did see an article this morning about a twilight “renaissance” ten years later – it’s making a comeback which is nice to see.


  2. This was such a fun tag to read! I started laughing really hard when you said you’d burn All The Bright Places because I probably would too. 😂


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